Sunday, December 30, 2012

Alpine- What Are You Doing New Years Eve?

619.316-7445 Rachell Lara, Alpine Community Specialist

Alpine- What Are You Doing New Years Eve?

Or What About December 28th, 29th, 30th or 31st?

You can celebrate the New Years Eve on any of these days in New Years Eve New York Style at Viejas Casino

Now since I have not yet attended New Year's Eve in New York, I have to admit that I can't attest to the authenticity of this claim, although I am not sure that it is a bad thing. While I think that spending New Years in New York is a great thing for your bucket list, it might not be the "best" way to spend the breaking in of the new year. 

I am however assuming that their will be less drunk, pushy crowds at Viejas then in New York. I am also assuming that even though the ball may be smaller (it might also be the same size, I have not looked up the dimensions of the balls on either coast) you will still have a better view. I believe you will have better access to wait-staff and drinks at Viejas than you would in New York. I am sure you feet will get stepped on less.  I will also say that it is a lot cheaper than flying to the other coast. Even if you have plans on the 31st or don't want to be on the road with all the crazies, try out Viejas is giving you more than one opportunity to make it a memorable night.

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