Saturday, November 24, 2012

What Would $200/Month Do For You? San Diego Property Tax Appeal Could Give it to You.

619.316.7445 Rachell Lara Real Estate Consultant

Deadline for San Diego County Property Tax Appeals Approaching Fast

You could be saving $ every month with a reduction in your accessed property value.

Time is almost up for San Diegians to take advantage of San Diego Property Tax Appeals. November 30th 2012 is the last day to submit your appeal to reduce your San Diego County Property Taxes. It is a fairly easy process. Time is of the essence

San Diego could you be saving hundreds of dollars a month with a property tax appeal? 

Many of the people who purchased in the last decade, especially during the peak years of 2003-2008 could reduce their monthly mortgage payment (assuming that taxes and insurance are paid out of an impound account) simply by filling out a sheet of paper. If you don't pay your property taxes out of an impound account you can still save money, it will just be a larger impact at your twice a year payments of February and November to San Diego County. No need to pay someone to do it, it is easy to do, and we at Gold Star Group would be happy to help FREE OF CHARGE.

What if I have already filed 1 property tax appeal?
You can file again. Now that we are seeing property values start to go up, this may be the lowest price you can get your property to be valued at.

How do I appeal my Assessed Value?

The San Diego County Property Tax Appeal form is simple and can be found at San Diego County's Site Property Tax Appeal Form. They ask you the current tax assessment values(can be found on your tax bill) and your proposed assessment value. It is best to provide evidence on the value based on recently sold houses in your neighborhood. Please feel free to Contact Me so I can get you the proper information. Step by Step Guide to filling out the San Diego County Tax Appeal form.

How much can I actually save?
1.25% is the standard amount that you are charged for property taxes in San Diego. If you were to reduce the value of your home by $100,000 that translates to approximately $100/month that you will be saving. Many San Diego homeowners can actually shave hundreds of thousands of dollars from their home value.

But don't the schools need the money?
aeflogo1Yes, the schools do need the money, our school budgets have been cut drastically. If you don't need the saving put back in your pocket it might be better to cut out the money and donate it directly to the school. You may even be able to direct where they spend it. Donating through a foundation such as the Alpine Education Foundation can provide more benefits to you and the school.


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