Thursday, November 22, 2012

San Diego Real Estate Consultant -Rachell Lara & Gold Star Group

619.316.7445 San Diego Real Estate Consultant

San Diego Real Estate Consultant

What is the difference between a San Diego Real Estate Consultant and a Real Estate Agent

At Gold Star Group YOU, the client, are always put first. First means that your goals, wants and desires come before ours. We are consultants, not regular agents. We don't have an agenda that we are trying to push, our mission is to find out what you really want and go get it for you. Our job isn't to "sell" on a house or a price, it is to give you your options, help you see things from every perspective, shed light on possibilities and things you hadn't even considered before, then line them up so you can make the best decision for you.

Now we aren't completely altruistic we know that by creating enthusiastically happy clients through our Gold Star Service we create more business for ourselves in the long run.

We believe Real Estate is essentially about 2 things RELATIONSHIPS and LIFESTYLE.

RELATIONSHIPS In Real Estate many different people touch each transaction from start to finish. Our goal is to have those people work together insuring that your process goes as smooth as possible with the best possible outcome. That is why at Gold Star Group we are continually working on our relationships. There are several key people who we pay special attention to.
  1. You the Client, you are always our number 1 priority.
  2. The Team we have assembled an awesome group of individuals working together to ensure a smooth transaction for you from finding you the right house, to fulfilling the contract details. The team allows our experts to work where their talent and passion is, maximizing results.
  3. The Other Agents this is an area that not everyone thinks about, by proactively developing relationships with other agents, we ensure the smoothest transactions, where both sides are working together for the best possible outcome. We have found that in addition to having a high completion rate, we also get more offers accepted to start with. When the other agent has respect for your work ethic and style with all things being somewhat equal they are more likely to accept your offer in a multiple offer situation. We have also experienced that the other agents are more likely to work with us to best position our clients so they are the best offer.
  4. Other Service Providers theses are our extended team members, they work in other industries but are occasionally needed in our transactions. We have excellent Contractors, Home Inspectors, Estate Planners, CPAs, Home Furnishings, Movers and Attorneys with various specialties who are all willing to give you their highest priority and go the extra mile for you for two reasons. First we picked the best of the best those who share our philosophy of putting the client first and second of course because of our relationships with them. We like to think of them as our "extended family."
LIFESTYLE Real Estate is about creating a lifestyle. For most people it is their largest financial holding, and it is also so much more. Your home is the place where you day starts and ends, therefore it is your life. We also know that it isn't just your house that has an everyday impact on your quality of life it is your neighborhood too. That is why we work on a team and call ourselves Neighborhood Experts, San Diego is just too big of an area to know every detail that affects real estate that is why our team members cover different areas ensuring superior knowledge in what ever area you choose.

  • For Home Buyers we are looking to match them up with the best neighborhood for them, considering their lifestyle, where they are now in life and where they want to go. 
  • For Property Sellers we are finding every aspect that we can market and exploit it. We start by putting the spot light on the house and then the neighborhood from interviewing the neighbors for our 9 Things to Love About This Neighborhood, to school profiles, subdivision information and even restaurant reviews.

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