Thursday, August 30, 2012

Trying to Keep Your Home San Diego? Does if Feel Like You're Boxing with the Bank?

Are you working with your bank to keep your home and save your home from foreclosure in, maybe working on a loan modification? 

San Diego Loan Modification News

My Short Sale Negotiator is a recovering former employee of Chase. He shared some information that was both shocking and disturbing for lack of better words, especially for those trying to save their home from foreclosure. The information was so thought provoking I had to break it into a few short series of posts.

One of the biggest eye openers was how the people at the banks “working” with you to save your house with things such as a Loan Modification Program view us, the people that bought homes or refinanced during most of the 2000s.

First was how they look at customers. You aren’t imagining they don’t like you. The Banks train their employees to view the mortgage holders, their customers as adversaries, the enemy in which they have to do battle with.

Banks and therefore their employees don’t view you as a customer, because they know you don’t have a choice. If you are underwater in your home, they know you can’t refinance or take your loan anywhere else. You are stuck with them because you lack equity in your home. Therefore they don’t have to earn your business, they don’t have to impress you, they don’t even have to treat you nicely.

Second the banks train their employees to think that you are a liar. Yes the people that are supposed to be "helping" you, working with you to keep your home, think you are a liar!  They say that we, the homeowners lied to get the mortgages, so that we will also lie to stay in our homes. Interesting since the media, our government and even former employees said that those same institutions lied to us to get the homeowners to take the mortgage terms in the first place.

If they think you are lying to them when trying to keep your house, are they lying to you when they tell you they (the bank) will work with you to help you keep your home? Where does the lying stop and how do you know when you are actually moving forward to a resolution to save your home instead of just getting lip service from the bank?

There is a lot of information out there and there is also a lot of misinformation. It is not my intention to broadcast one man’s information as the complete truth, but rather to share it with you and find out your experiences.
Can you see his perception in your dealing with your bank?
Or is your bank different than the others?
Are there smaller banks in San Diego that aren’t acting like the big banks?
Is your bank really working with you to save your home San Diego?

The next blog post will discuss why your relationship with the bank is a conflict of everyone’s interest.

About the Author: Rachell Lara is a mother of three and San Diego Native. She is living her passion helping others love their lives by investing in their lives and futures with real estate. She is making the world a better a better place through service, appreciation, love and of course humor.
For more information feel free to CONTACT her directly and find more information regarding this topic and real estate in general, please visit her, or at any of these other social media sites.
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