Thursday, March 14, 2013

Relocating to San Diego or Relocating Out of San Diego, Which is Better

619.316.7445 Rachell Lara San Diego Realtor® and San Diego Neighborhood Expert and


Is It Better to Relocate to San Diego or Relocate out of San Diego?

How does San Diego's Market Compare to Other National Markets?

San Diego has always had more than its fair share of people moving in and out. From military, Border Patrol and large companies that relocate to our great climate, sometimes later being chased away with higher cost of living and doing business. 

What can you expect when finding a house if you find yourself relocating to San Diego in 2013?
The biggest thing you will notice is that we have very few houses on the market to buy or rent. While much of the Nation has become a "Sellers Market", San Diego has one of the lowest home inventories in the Nation.  
What does this mean to you? 
1st you will need a proactive agent actively searching for new properties on the market. If you see something you like, you can't hesitate to place your offer. AND you will be paying more than a few months ago.
Does this mean you lost your opportunity to buy?   No, in most cases your monthly mortgage is still lower than it has been historically due to the still lower prices of homes and the extremely low interest rate.

You will have the upper hand in negotiating. If you price your house right you will receive multiple offers, often time in the first week. You won't have to give the buyer much in the way of concessions. With the rise in prices many people that thought they were underwater are surprised to find out they now have equity. Which gives you more options once you are relocated.

San Diego is a large area and different neighborhoods do have their own subtleties.  Remember when dealing with your home, not only is your biggest single investment it also has a lot to do with your everyday happiness and making the wrong decision could cost you.  Be sure to call 619-316-7445 so we can give you the information you need regarding your specific situation to make the best decisions for you and your family. Or visit us at Relocation to San Diego

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