Friday, October 12, 2012

Alpine, California Are Home Values On Our Way Up Again?

How do we here in our small town of Alpine, California compare to these national statistics?

Has your house increased in value $2,700/month since November 2011 like the national average?

Our local statistics look a little different. Based on the Media Home Values Statistics we are actually in about the same place that we were in November 2011. But I don't think that quite tells the story either. 

Since we have been floundering in lower home values and a bad economy it is generally our lower priced homes that have been selling so our larger priced homes haven't been selling and therefore haven't been increasing in value leaving our median home prices on the flatter side.

Also because of our small town and great variation in price range due to the variance of our properties in general our median price fluctuates due to the fact that only 20 houses in our area sell per month.

As you can see based on the graph below there is a lot more fluctuation in Alpine than San Diego County because of our tiny volume. The general trend however is that prices were lower and now we are about the same as we were in October 2011. Interestingly enough though based on home sales Alpine has in fact gone up $2,700/month since November 2011.

To really delve into the actual application of these statistics on Alpine Home Values check the next article that will compare like to like property values which will give a clearer picture of actual Alpine Home Values. When we look at the subdivision of Crown Hills there is a definite appreciation of home values in Alpine, but is that the true across the whole community. 

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About the Author: Rachell Lara is a mother of three and San Diego Native. She is living her passion helping others love their lives by investing in their lives and futures with real estate. She is making the world a better a better place through service, appreciation, love and of course humor.
For more information feel free to CONTACT her directly and find more information regarding this topic and real estate in general, please visit her, or at any of these other social media sites.
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